Thursday, May 28, 2015

Youth Council Meeting: June 2015

Our last Youth Council Meeting will be held on Friday, June 5th at 4:30 PM. Attendance is mandatory so please come. 

Thank you and we hope to see you there! 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

AIDS Walk New York 2015

On Sunday, May 17th, HANAC In-School Youth had participated in the 30th annual AIDS Walk New York 2015 at Central Park. An approximate of 30,000 people in New York City had walked for this incredible event. For HANAC ISY, it was our very first time walking for the annual AIDS walk under our team name: HANAC Super Stars! While we were all tired by the end, sitting down in the freshly cut grass that is Central Park while writing our reflection was worth it.

We all walked to help raise awareness of AIDS and HIV and contributed funding for this great cause! From the official AIDS Walk website, New Yorkers had raised $4.88 million that will provide funding for medical research, access for medical care, counseling, food and other services for people living with HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Walk entrance

Patiently waiting to walk
Even though it was HANAC's first time in this annual walk, the journey that began in 1985 for New York City will not stop until a cure is discovered.

How can you help? It's very simple! You can donate to our team: HANAC Super Stars! All funds raised through our team will directly go to GMHC and more than 40 organizations located in the tri-state area.

Thank you very much for your contribution!

Writing reflections after the AIDS Walk
HANAC Super Stars 2015

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Youth Council Meeting: May 2015

Our next mandatory Youth Council Meeting will be on Friday, May 8th at 4:30 PM until 5:30 PM (Hours may change if needed.) Please attend this Friday as we will discuss our final service learning project and other important events.

Hope to see you all there!