Saturday, December 6, 2014

HANAC Updates


1) Upcoming Movie Event:

Next Friday, December 12, HANAC will be holding a Movie Night! Just like last month, we will get to choose what movie to see, however there are two rules: 

a. Movie must be PG-13
b. Movie must be on Netflix 

If you have any suggestions, you can either tell Pam or any members on the Youth Council (Areeb, Arman, Kayla or myself). The movie with the most votes will be shown. The movie of your choice can be from any genre (ex: Horror, Comedy, Action, Romance, etc). As long as the movie is appropriate and on Netflix, we are good. 

2) Ice Skating Trip:

I had sent an email regarding about our planned ice skating trip this month a few days ago. The council members and I gave you all two dates to vote: December 19 (Friday) and December 29 (Monday). However, something came up (it is explained in the next bullet below) and by default the ice skating trip will be on Monday, December 29. The time has yet to be decided, but here is some important information: 

a. Entrance is free, but rental skates are $15
b. If you plan on bringing your school bag (or any large bag), it's $10 extra to buy some bag to hold your stuff.  

3) Toys for Tots (Service Learning Project):

As you may know, HANAC is running our Service Learning Project of the "Toys-for-Tots" campaign. Pam had recently informed me that we will be dropping off the toys that are donated to us on Friday, December 19 to the kids. (This is the reason why our skating trip is held on the 29th). 


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