Thursday, June 4, 2015

End of the Year Graduation Celebration

Come join us at our End of the Year Graduation Celebration picnic party! We are going to celebrate another successful school year as well as congratulate our fellow graduating seniors of the Class of 2015.

Have a great time relaxing on the lawn, eating food and playing some games with your fellow friends!

Please remember to bring either a blanket or towel for seating and wear appropriate clothing as there will be water games involved.

Anyone attending this event must have their permission slip signed. If you are 18 and over, you may sign it yourself. If you are under 18, your parent must sign the permission slip. You may not attend this event unless you have handed in the permission slip! Ask Estefany or Mayra for one or
check your email to download the form!

Where: Astoria Park

When: Friday, June 12th, 2015

Time: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM 

We hope to see you all there! 

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