Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Teensgiving 2014

On Sunday, November 16, 2014, five HANAC members had participated in New York City's largest one-day community service event: Teensgiving. HANAC members selflessly gave up their own time to volunteer a cleanup mission for Riverside Park at West 87th Street. Activities we participated were: 

1) Raking leaves off the park's pathway

2) Painting lamp posts located around the Dog Park 

3) Maintaining erosion control on the park's lawn 

4) Clearing off tree branches surrounding the park 

I, along with the other members, had all received shirts provided by the 92Y organization that were customized specifically for this event. During our time volunteering at the park, we had received a positive response from residents in the area such as multiple "Thank you's" and smiles. Realizing how our volunteer work had beautified this public park, we were all honored to take apart of this community service event.

The following five HANAC members who had participated on
Sunday's event are the following:

Alondra Lucero
Kayla Fernandez  
Nicole Rodriguez 
Catherine Medina
Silvia Albarracin  

The Teensgiving 2014 event will be crediting each volunteer six hours for their work on Sunday. 

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