Saturday, November 15, 2014

Youth Council


President: Alondra Lucero

Vice President: Areeb Sheikh

Secretary: Arman Khan 

Treasurer: Kayla Fernandez 


     The 2014-2015 Youth Council is a group of four council members who oversee and represent the HANAC ISY Program community. Each member had been voted by their own peers in the program after a month of campaigning that held official speeches and debates before Election Day. The Youth Council is composed of two members who have been in the program since last year and two members who are new this year. 


     The Youth Council is, first and foremost, responsible for the concerns that arise in the HANAC ISY community.  The Youth Council must provide solutions to these problems in order to maintain a peaceful and friendly environment in HANAC. Other responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 

1) Participating mandatory meetings at the end of each month to discuss our development as a team, what our accomplishments are and what we can improve for the next month.   

2) Be involved with every Service Learning Project that HANAC holds. This includes preparation of the project, participation throughout the project and successfully accomplishing the project as well.

3) Demonstrating leadership qualities in any event as the Youth Council represents the HANAC community as a whole.

4) Offering new ideas or concepts that will benefit the HANAC community. 

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